Post Holiday Reset

The holidays were fun…

The kids brought home a bug on the last day of school that cascaded through our family (not the fun part.) So we spent Christmas at home, cuddled up in bed, taking turns caring for each other, and re-watching How I Met Your Mother.. but we were together. And isn’t that the important thing?

After recovering I went tobogganing with the kids, slept over with all my cousins for New Years, went out to see Pitch Perfect 3 with my 2 daughters, and took a big family trip to Skyline Inn (an indoor water park in Niagara Falls. )

Although I worked out most days during the holidays (apart from the couple of days I was sick) and was active with the family, I didn’t eat very well and soon felt like I desperately needed my routine back.

It was nice to take a break, but as of January 1st, I got back to work, determined to make 2018 a good year. To motivate myself I put together a New Years program that you can use too.  It is fairly advanced, but I hope it will help guide you back on track after the holidays.

Post Holiday Reset Program [377KB PDF]

And of course, if you have any questions please let me know. Happy 2018!



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