“Did you do anything for yourself today?”

I remember 10 years ago when Leela was a few months old, Naren came home from work, observed us for a while and asked me, “Did you do anything for yourself today?” I didn’t really know, but the answer was no.
I think back at that now, and I’m glad that I took that question to heart. I’m grateful for the reminder to take some time out of my day to do something for me.  Not too long after that, I re-joined the gym and would drag myself out every day (even when Leela wasn’t too happy about it.)
It’s amazing these subtle messages we receive about motherhood, that you must be entirely self-sacrificing, that self-care is selfish, that kids must come first always. I didn’t realize it then, but I’ve come to see how much the kids benefit from my happiness and health, and even in my saying no to them from time to time.
I hope to inspire you to take some time for yourself today – to do something healthy, take a nap, eat real food, treat yourself to a bubble bath or do something that makes you happy.
Leela and I

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