Holidays with Kids

As we head into the holiday season, I’m reminding myself of how I felt over the summer.

Although it isn’t nearly as long, I do want to enjoy the holidays as much as possible!

I had thought summer break was going to be simple and easy – no problem.  I felt the previous summer was eventful and decided to take it easy – less camps, less traveling, less planning.

No problem. But I still felt anxious.

My heart said that summer was going to be neither simple nor easy, and (as the heart usually is), it was right!

Straight away, there was so much fighting, so much chaos – a real disruption to the peaceful routine I had made.  I found myself overwhelmed.  I had to take so many moments to myself so I wouldn’t lose it!  I took out all my parenting books and re-read them, hoping for some solutions…

And I learned a few things:

  1. Time off is hard with kids, no matter what you chose to do – expect that it won’t be easy!
  2. On day ONE, have a family meeting – to put together a set of expectations
  3. And ask kids for input into what they want to do – we had a glass jar of ideas that we picked from every day
  4. Ask them to help out – sorting laundry/prepping snacks/grocery shopping
  5. Plan some things just for you – fun with friends, exercise, books you want to read
  6. Check out camps around March to keep some structure – I really like structure.

But above all things, I remember to count my blessings as me and my family are all well, and as much as the kids can drive me crazy, I love them to bits and want to spend as much time as I can with them.

Parenting is not easy, all meaningful pursuits require work – some thought and planning.  But they are worth it.  And we grow stronger and better with each failed attempt and lesson learned.

I hope to implement these lessons learned over the holidays to create a balanced, peaceful and happy holiday. And I wish the same for you!

Happy Holidays,


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